Terms of service


在本文中,“AO YES 凹是”、“我们”、“我方”、“我们的”等词语是指我们或我们的服务,AO YES 凹是在使用“您”和“您的”是指您,即向您提供本文件以征求您的同意的人。访问和使用ao-yes.com或ao-yes.com.cn(简称“本网站”)以及通过本网站提供的产品和服务(统称“服务”)受以下条款、条件和通知(“服务条款”或“TOS”)的约束。使用这些服务,即表示您同意我们不时更新的所有服务条款。 AO YES凹是保留随时更改网站、相关政策和协议、隐私政策和本服务条款的权利。建议您不时查看网站以确认上述政策和协议、隐私政策和服务条款的更新或更改。 AO YES凹是(上海凹氏商贸有限公司),是一家注册于中国上海的公司。我们的注册号是 91310114MA7AFW0592。


您需要注册以使用本网站上提供给您的某些服务或功能。当您注册时,您需要提供关于您自己的信息,这些信息在所有方面都是真实、准确、最新和完整的。如果您的任何注册信息发生变化,请立即通过以下电子邮件地址 info@ao-yes.com 通知我们。我们也可能会不时更改注册要求。在使用本网站时,您同意对通过您的帐户进行的所有活动承担责任。您有责任确保您的帐户和密码安全。如果您感觉或怀疑您的帐户安全受到威胁,或者您的帐户遭到未经授权的使用,请立即与我们联系。有关我们如何使用个人数据的更多信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策。注册成为我们的网店会员,即表示您同意定期接收来自 AO YES凹是的时事通讯和营销相关电子邮件。如果您希望从我们的电子邮件列表中删除,您可以随时取消订阅或终止您的帐户。






我们会接受您下单时网站上显示的价格,除非出现明显错误。虽然我们尽最大努力确保网站上显示的所有价格都是准确的,但我们不保证它们完全没有错误,并保留纠正任何错误的权利。如果我们发现您订购的任何产品的价格有误,我们会尽快通知您,并为您提供重新确认或取消订单的选项。如果我们无法联系到您,我们会视为订单已取消。如果您的信用卡/借记卡不是以人民币 (CNY) 计价,则以您的货币收取的最终价格将由您的发卡行根据您的发卡机构处理交易当天的适用汇率计算。除人民币之外,网上商店中显示的货币仅供参考,我们不保证价格与银行向您收取的费用保持一致。 AO YES凹是试图尽可能准确,然而AO YES凹因为无法排除出现错误的可能性,所以不保证产品描述、价格和细节是完全准确的。如果我们发现您订购的任何商品的价格有误,我们会尽快通知您,并让您选择以正确的价格重新确认您的订单或取消订单。我们不保证产品的可用性,因此如果在您订购中途发生产品缺货或售罄,我们将通过电子邮件通知您。


我们接受通过银联、微信支付的款项。通过使用上述信用卡/借记卡和在线支付方式之一下订单,您确认使用的信用卡/借记卡或帐户属于您,并且您已获得所有者授权使用它。如果您的发卡机构拒绝授权向 AO YES 凹是付款,我们将不对任何延迟或未送达负责。对于所有付款,只有在您的订单被接受后,付款才会从您的帐户中扣除。我们采取合理的措施确保我们的网站安全。本网站上的所有信用卡/借记卡交易均使用 Shopify 进行处理,Shopify 是一种安全的在线支付网关,可在安全的主机环境中加密您的卡详细信息。我们将在我们的系统上为注册和未注册用户安全地存储您的信用卡/借记卡详细信息。这些详细信息将完全加密,仅用于处理您发起的卡交易。为帮助确保您的购物体验安全、简单和有保障,AO YES 凹是使用安全套接层 (SSL) 技术。此外,我们会在力所能及的范围内采取合理的谨慎措施,以确保您的订单和付款细节的安全,但在我们没有疏忽的情况下,我们不对任何损失负责,任何您如果第三方未经授权访问您在访问或从网站订购时提供的任何数据,则可能会受到影响。



进口关税或税费将直接从 FedEx、DHL 或顺丰快递向您开具发票。我们建议您在购买完成之前联系您当地的海关当局以确定到岸成本。


促销折扣码:我们可能会不时提供促销折扣码,这些代码可能适用于通过本网站进行的任何或某些特定的购买。与任何折扣码相关的使用条件将在发布时指定。然而,T&C 与所有 AO YES 凹是促销、活动和折扣码相关(除非另有说明)。



一旦您做出选择并下订单,您将收到一封电子邮件,此时请确认您的订单详情。这封电子邮件并不代表已接受您的订单,仅为确认我们已收到订单请求。除非您取消订单,否则只有当我们向您发送电子邮件以确认货物已发货时,您与 AO YES 凹是之间的合同的接受和确立才完成。由于买卖合同在中国大陆订立,因此合同语言为中英文。我们保留在以下情况下不接受您订单的权利,例如,我们无法获得付款授权、适用于运输限制的特定商品、订购的商品缺货或不符合我们的品控要求标准并被召回的商品,或者您不符合 TOS 中规定的资格标准。我们也可以随时自行决定以任何理由拒绝处理并因此接受交易或拒绝向任何人提供服务。我们不会因我们从网站撤下任何商品(无论该商品是否已售出)、删除、筛选或编辑网站上的任何材料或内容、拒绝处理交易或解除交易而对您或任何第三方负责或在处理开始后暂停任何交易。






设计师(其产品在本网站上销售或与我们有关联)在任何媒体上表达的观点均为他们自己的观点。 AO YES 凹是对任何此类观点不承担任何责任,因为它们不一定反映我们的观点。 AO YES 凹是不保证本网站和实用的服务不会出错,也不保证网站或提供它的服务器没有病毒或其他有害成分。我们建议网站的所有用户确保他们安装了最新的软件,包括防病毒软件。某些事件可能超出我们的合理控制范围,例如恶劣天气。在这种情况下,我们将始终尽最大努力维持其服务,​​但对未能履行本 TOS 中的任何义务不承担任何责任。


本网站由软件和“素材”组成(定义为或包括图像、视频、文本格式、演示方式、软件(包括 HTML 代码)是 AO YES 凹是的知识产权并受保护受知识产权和版权法以及国际条约规定的约束。本网站仅供您个人和非商业用途使用。只有在 AO YES 凹是和/或其许可的第三方明确授权的情况下,才允许对素材进行任何非个人和/或商业用途。未经 AO YES 凹是事先同意或授权,您不得分发、复制、出版、出售或许可网站内包含的任何素材。任何此类未经授权的行为都可能导致民事后果或刑事处罚。 AO YES 凹是保留撤回或修改任何服务项目的权利,恕不另行通知。如果由于任何原因本网站在任何时间和任何时期不可用,我们将不承担任何责任。


如果您违反了服务条款 (TOS) 而我们没有对您采取任何行动,我们仍然有权在您违反服务条款的任何其他情况下使用我们的权利和补救措施。


如果您对这些条款和条件有任何疑问、疑虑或通知,请发送电子邮件至 info@ao-yes.com 与我们联系。


TOS 连同所有政策和程序均受中国法律管辖并按中国法律解释。 如果发生与本服务条款相关的任何争议或索赔,中国相关法院将拥有专属管辖权。



Terms of service

Throughout this document, the words “AO YES凹是”, “us”, “we”, “our” refer to us, or our service, AO YES凹是 as is appropriate in the context of the use of the words “you” and “your” refer to you, the person who is being presented with this document for your agreement. Access to and use of ao-yes.com or ao-yes.com.cn (collectively, the "this site ") and the products and services available through this site (collectively, the "services") are subject to the following terms, conditions, and notices (the "terms of service" or “TOS”). By using the services, you are agreeing to all of the terms of service, as may be updated by us from time to time. AO YES凹是 reserves the right to make changes to the site, related polices and agreements, the privacy policy and this TOS at any time. You are advised to check the site from time to time to check the update or changes to the said policies and agreements, the privacy policy and the TOS. AO YES凹是(上海凹氏商贸有限公司), is a company registered in Shanghai, China. Our registration number is 91310114MA7AFW0592.


To use some of the services or features made available to you on this site you will need to register. When you register you are required to provide information about yourself that is true, accurate, current, and complete in all respects. Should any of your registration information change, please notify us immediately at the following e-mail address info@ao-yes.com. We may also change registration requirements from time to time. In using the site, you agree to accept responsibility for all activities conducted through your account. You are responsible for keeping your account and password secure. If you feel or suspect that the security of your account has been compromised or if there is unauthorized use of your account, please contact us immediately. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information on how we use our personal data. By registering for our web shop as a member, you are agreeing to receive regular newsletters and marketing related emails from AO YES凹是. Should you wish to be removed from our email list, you can unsubscribe or terminate your account any time.

Terms of sale

① Our contract

When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of your order. This email will only be an acknowledgement and will not constitute acceptance of your order. A contract between us for the purchase of the goods will not be formed until you payment has been approved by us and we have debited your credit or debit card or Wechat pay account.

② Pricing and Availability

Prices displayed on the site at the time your order is accepted will be honoured except in the case of obvious error. Whilst we use our best endeavours to ensure that all prices appearing on the site are accurate, we do not guarantee that they are error-free and reserve our right to rectify any errors. If we discover an error in the price of any products that you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and offer you the option of reconfirming or cancelling your order. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled. If your credit/debit card is not denominated in Chinese YUAN (CNY), the final price charged in your currency will be calculated by your issuing bank in accordance with the applicable exchange rate on the day your card issuer processes the transaction. Excluding CNY the currencies shown on the web-shop are a guideline and we do not guarantee that prices remain accurate to the how you will be charged by your bank. AO YES凹是 attempts to be as accurate as possible. However, AO YES凹是 does not warrant that product descriptions, prices and details are accurate as errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any goods which you have ordered we will inform you of this as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. Product availability is not guaranteed. If a product is not available when you order processes we will notify you by email.

③ Payment

We accept payments made by Union pay, Wechat pay. By placing an order using one of the above Credit/Debit card and online payment methods, you confirm that the Credit/Debit card(s) or account used is yours that you have been authorized by the owner to use it. If your card issuer refuses to authorize payment to AO YES 凹是, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery. For all other payments, payment will only be debited and cleared from your account once your order has been accepted and dispatched. We take reasonable care to make our site secure. All credit/debit card transactions on this site are processed using Shopify, a secure online payment gateway that encrypts your card details in a secure host environment. We will securely store your credit/debit card details on our systems for registered and unregistered users. These details will be fully encrypted and only used to process card transactions which you have initiated. To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple and secure,  AO YES 凹是 uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Furthermore, we take reasonable care in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but in the absence of negligence on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss, any you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorized access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from the site.

④ Customs and import charges

Taxes and duties applicable to your order depend on the shipping country of your order:

Import duty or tax costs will be invoiced to you directly from FedEx, DHL or SF express. We recommend you contact your local customs authority to determine a landed cost prior to purchase completion.

⑤ Discount codes

Promotional discount codes – we may from time to time offer promotional discount codes which may apply in respect of any, or certain specified, purchases made through this website. The conditions of use relating to any discount code will be specified at the time of issue. However these T&Cs relate to all AO YES 凹是 promotions, competitions and discount codes (unless otherwise stated):

Only one promotion code can be used per order.

A promotion code can’t be used after an order has been placed.

Sale items are excluded from all discount and promotion codes (unless otherwise stated). 

Acceptance of your order

Once you have made your choice and your order has been placed, you will receive an email acknowledging the details of your order. This email is NOT an acceptance of your order, just a confirmation that we have received it. Unless you cancel your order, acceptance of your order and completion of the contract between you and AO YES 凹是  will be completed when we email you to confirm the goods have been dispatched. The sale contract is therefore concluded in mainland China and the language of the contract is Chinese and English. We reserve the right not to accept your order in the event, for example, that we are unable to obtain authorization for payment, that shipping restrictions apply to a particular item, that the item ordered is out of stock or does not satisfy our quality control standards and is withdrawn, or that you do not meet the eligibility criteria set out within the TOS. We may also refuse to process and therefore accept a transaction for any reason or refuse service to anyone at any time at our sole discretion. We will not be liable to you or any third party by reason of our withdrawing any merchandise from the Site whether or not that merchandise has been sold, removing, screening or editing any materials or content on the Site, refusing to process a transaction or unwinding or suspending any transaction after processing has begun.

Cash Coupon

In the event that a customer is entitled to a Cash Coupon it will be given via email by our Customer Care department. Cash coupons can only be used online at this site, Cash coupons can only be used on orders associated with your original account.  This means, cash coupons cannot be transferred to another person or account. Cash coupon may not be purchased. Cash coupons are provided to you when purchased items have been returned and the return is eligible for a cash coupon. Purchase amounts that exceed the value of the Cash Coupon will require an additional method of payment for the balance due.

Product Description and Colours

We will endeavour to ensure that the content and the product descriptions on this site are as accurate and complete as possible. We however do not warrant that “content” and product descriptions are accurate, complete, current or error free. We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colours of our products that appear on this site. However, as computer monitors vary, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any colour will be completely accurate.


Views expressed in any media by the designers, whose products are sold on this site or with whom we are associated, are their own. AO YES 凹是 takes no responsibility for any such views as they do not necessarily reflect ours. AO YES 凹是 does not guarantee that the use of this site and services will be error-free or that the site or the servers that make it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. We recommend all users of the Site to ensure they have up-to-date software, including anti-virus, installed. Some events may happen beyond our reasonable control, such as adverse weather. Under such conditions, we will always do our best to aim at maintaining its services but will not be responsible for failing to meet any obligations in this TOS.

Intellectual Property Rights

This site consists of software and “material” (Which is defined as, or includes, images, video, text formats, styles of presentation, software (including HTML code)  are the intellectual property of AO YES 凹是 and are protected by intellectual property and copyright laws and international treaty provisions. this site is for your personal and non-commercial use only. Any non-personal and/or commercial use of the material is only permitted when expressly authorised by AO YES 凹是 and/or its third party licensors. You may not distribute, reproduce, publish, sell or license any material contained within the site without prior consent or authorization of AO YES 凹是. Any such unauthorised actions may result in civil consequences or criminal penalties. AO YES 凹是 reserves the right to withdraw or amend any item of the Services without notice. We will not be liable if for any reason the Site is unavailable at any time and for any period.

No Waiver

If you breach the Terms of Service (TOS) and we take no action against you, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach the TOS.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns or notices of violations to these terms and conditions, please contact us by sending an email to info@ao-yes.com

Governing Law Jurisdiction

The TOS, together with all out policies and procedures, are governed by and construed I accordance with PRC law. The relevant courts of PRC will have exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute or claim associated with these TOS.